Together, Texans on Mission goes where God calls. 

God calls His people to serve locally, across the nation and to the ends of the earth. Featured below are stories of how Texans on Mission volunteers answered God's call to deliver help, hope and healing to thousands of people all over the globe.  


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TXM partners with FBC Heath to distribute water

Texans on Mission jumped into action after a software glitch caused Heath, Texas, to send out a boil water notice. Volunteers handed residents 4,000 bottles of water.

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Hempstead church funds Peru water well then sends team to help drill it

Give the money. Help drill the well. That’s what First Baptist Church in Hempstead has done over the past nine months through Texans on Mission’s Water Impact ministry in Peru, with an assist from First Baptist Church in Melissa.

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Hispanic youth create Gold-to-Gold bracelets, First Step Kits, Messages of Hope

Campamento Hispanic Youth Camp brought students together last Wednesday for a missions project and Texans on Mission Volunteer Day.

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WMU Texas & Red River Association make First Step Kits

WMU and Red River Valley Association gathered at Southside Baptist Church in Paris, Texas, last week to make 1,800 First Step Kits, hygiene kits for those in need.

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Recover work continues in New Mexico

Recovery efforts haven’t stopped in Ruidoso, New Mexico, since devastating floods and wildfires took place in late June. Over 1,000 homes burned in the fire, and recent record high flood waters destroyed over 200 homes.

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Sugar Land Baptist takes care of kids with TXM help

Last week, youth from Sugar Land Baptist Church helped deliver 3,500 meals to Kids' Meals in Houston after the power outage affected their ability to provide free meals for children.

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Keeping clean is important in disaster relief work

Many residents along the Texas Gulf Coast were unable to do laundry after Hurricane Beryl, and Texans on Mission volunteers stepped in to help.

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Missouri students work with TXM volunteers

This week, Missouri college students worked with Texans on Mission volunteers to feed Houston residents. The need for relief continues as many are still waiting to regain power, and day after day the spirit of service remains steadfast.

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TXM provides water for refugee children

Texans on Mission delivered two pallets of canned water to Love Is Ministry Dallas, a refugee ministry that hosts Vacation Bible Schools and soccer camps all summer for hundreds of refugee children in the area.

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Texans on Mission volunteers tackle chainsaw jobs, provide other services after Hurricane Beryl

Ken Anderson “rode out Beryl” in his Jones Creek home south of Houston. “We got hit harder than anybody, I believe. Lots of damage. Thousands of trees down.” One of those trees uprooted by Hurricane Beryl landed on Anderson’s home.

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People in Houston are hot; it’s not just the temperature

The city of Houston is hot, and we’re not talking about the temperature. People are angry and frustrated. Five days after Hurricane Beryl swept across southeast Texas, large parts of Houston remain dark. Traffic lights, restaurants, homes all lack power in many places. Internet service is sporadic.

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Texans on Mission providing thousands of meals, chainsaw crews for Beryl victims

Texans on Mission has deployed two mass feeding units to meet needs in the shadow of the vast power outage caused by Hurricane Beryl in recent days. It also has three chainsaw teams working to remove trees from homes and cars, as well as to give people access to their houses.

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