Drill deep to transform lives

Texans on Mission mobilizes Christ followers to change the world, tackling its biggest challenges, including the need for clean water. And we're doing so through local residents in communities where God has opened doors of opportunity.


Texans on Mission Water Impact is:

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SYSTEMATIC. Texans on Mission looks for places with the greatest water need and systematically brings solutions, including drilling water wells and repairing others. As a result, the ministry creates a wave of help, hope and healing that moves across a region.

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SUSTAINABLE. Community leaders are the backbone for Texans on Mission's work. Through them, we build a structure that catalyzes long-term change. As a result, the community supports its own water well, provides economic opportunities for residents and shares God’s love.

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GOSPEL-CENTERED. We begin with a village Bible study led by local leaders. They bring the community together and share the Gospel with the village. God is transforming lives through water wells now and relationships with Christ for eternity.

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Read news and stories about how Texans on Mission Water Impact is transforming communities

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Church leader training rises in Uganda as Bible studies begin

Bible studies are forming in the villages of northern Uganda because of the water drilling ministry of Texans on Mission. Now, TXM is stepping up to provide training for local church leaders.

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Water ministry is ‘not just about a hole in the ground’

Doug and Cathy Hall made their first trip to Uganda this winter to learn more about Texans on Mission's Water Impact work in the central African nation. Doug summed up his experience by saying: “It's not just about a hole in the ground that provides clean water. It is about comprehensive generational change in each one of those communities.”

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Board meeting highlights past, looks to future

Another successful board meeting in the books for Texans on Mission this weekend! Our board and staff discussed how much TXM volunteers, donors and staff accomplished together and what is to come in the future. 

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Texans on Mission ‘came to the rescue’ in Uganda

Susan Nagudi is a 32-year-old mother of three living in a camp of residents dislocated by a deadly November mudslide, and she’s now thanking God for Texans and Ugandans on Mission.

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TXM doubles volunteer hours in 2024 to meet needs, share Christ

One year sometimes stands out among all the years that preceded it. Texans on Missions had such a year in 2024.

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TXM planning for response to water emergencies

People require water to live, and they are used to turning on the faucet to get all they need. When safe water is no longer available, a potential disaster looms. A community near Utopia, west of San Antonio, had a “complete water failure” this year, and “there were 1,100 homes that had no water for almost seven weeks,” said Mitch Chapman, director of Texans on Mission Water Impact.

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Christmas looks different in Uganda thanks to Texans on Mission

Mission trips often reveal contrasts — differences between things at home and those far away. Mikey Osborne and his family saw Christmas differently on a recent trip to Uganda. “It was pretty humbling to see kids get excited over things I wouldn’t normally even buy,” Osborne said. “It's an awakening to see a different perspective on gifts. It's easy to think you’re going to Africa to fix things, but I feel like Africa was kind of fixing me.”

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910 Uganda professions of faith through first half of 2024

Transforming lives through clean water and the Good News, Texans and Ugandans on Mission witnessed 910 professions of faith in Christ and 105 baptisms within the first six months of 2024.

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TXM provides water quickly for Grand Prairie

Texans on Mission donated 21,160 bottles of water to Grand Prairie after thousands of its residents were directed not to come in contact with tap water.

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