Together, Texans on Mission goes where God calls. 

God calls His people to serve locally, across the nation and to the ends of the earth. Featured below are stories of how Texans on Mission volunteers answered God's call to deliver help, hope and healing to thousands of people all over the globe.  


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Baptist Standard: Cooperation bridges 500-mile gap; TXM helps make it happen

More than 500 miles separate First Baptist Church in Grapevine and the Valley Baptist Retreat and Conference Center. Texans on Mission helped bridge the gap, facilitating a project that mutually benefitted the North Texas church and the South Texas retreat center.

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TXM pancakes served to students during Beach Reach

For the last two weeks, Beach Reach has shared the Gospel to spring breakers in hopes of leading them to Christ. Texans on Mission volunteers had the opportunity to make pancakes for those in the area while beach reachers initiated these spiritual conversations.

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Units head to Texas Hill Country & Missouri

Texans on Mission units rolled out to the Texas Hill Country and southeast Missouri Tuesday morning to begin providing relief after the Crabapple fire and severe tornadoes.

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Experienced TXM Builders mentor students in construction, faith

Ray Cucancic is the master builder guiding the work of Texans on Mission Church Builders in Huntsville this spring. The retired contractor, however, did more than build on the work site; he taught. “I love working with people who are eager to learn,” said Cucancic. The eager learners in Huntsville were from First Baptist Church in Hempstead..

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Lake Shore, I Go Global pitch in to help

After touring the Dallas headquarters, Lake Shore Baptist Church spent the morning making first step kits, or hygiene kits for those in need, and iGoGlobal stocked and packed supplies and made evangelism bracelets.

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TXM works with local FCA to care for Mansfield teachers

The sun had not risen yet, but a dozen Texans on Mission volunteers busily made lunch for teachers at Legacy High School in Mansfield. It was part of a week-long effort by TXM and the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter to “show teachers appreciation and God loves them,” said Genia Macon.

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Water ministry is ‘not just about a hole in the ground’

Doug and Cathy Hall made their first trip to Uganda this winter to learn more about Texans on Mission's Water Impact work in the central African nation. Doug summed up his experience by saying: “It's not just about a hole in the ground that provides clean water. It is about comprehensive generational change in each one of those communities.”

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Church leader training rises in Uganda as Bible studies begin

Bible studies are forming in the villages of northern Uganda because of the water drilling ministry of Texans on Mission. Now, TXM is stepping up to provide training for local church leaders.

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Board meeting highlights past, looks to future

Another successful board meeting in the books for Texans on Mission this weekend! Our board and staff discussed how much TXM volunteers, donors and staff accomplished together and what is to come in the future. 

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Texans on Mission ‘came to the rescue’ in Uganda

Susan Nagudi is a 32-year-old mother of three living in a camp of residents dislocated by a deadly November mudslide, and she’s now thanking God for Texans and Ugandans on Mission.

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TXM Disaster Relief is yoked with Christ, director says

About 150 Texans on Mission Disaster Relief leaders gathered in Dallas Feb. 15 for their annual summit, and a biblical passage became the centerpiece of the meeting. David Wells, director of disaster relief, focused on Matthew 11:38-30.

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Camp Builders doing their thing at Riverbend

Texans on Mission Camp Builders are giving Riverbend Retreat Center in Glen Rose some special attention this month.

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