Together, Texans on Mission goes where God calls. 

God calls His people to serve locally, across the nation and to the ends of the earth. Featured below are stories of how Texans on Mission volunteers answered God's call to deliver help, hope and healing to thousands of people all over the globe.  


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Temple training prepares chaplains for disasters

Texans on Mission Disaster Relief recently held a 16-hour training course for volunteer chaplains. Memorial Baptist Church in Temple hosted the course, and 20 disaster relief volunteers received the training.

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Church Builders' work worth $50,000 per week

Think about it: $50,000 in free labor per week. That's what Texans on Mission Church Builders are providing for construction of a mentoring center for fatherless children in Corpus Christi. They are now about 11 days into the project.

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Hay, hugs go a long way in conveying love

Roper Cox, a Panhandle rancher, had this to say about Texans on Mission: “Y’all came rolling up with hay and hugs and became family.”

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Texans on Mission provides oasis of hope in midst of desolation

Joe McMahan may live just outside Fritch, but right now it feels like a different planet. Scorched black earth surrounds him. He’s a rough, determined rancher, but the scene is difficult for him to take in. “Everything is a total loss,” he said.

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Laundry/shower volunteers bring the clean to dirty work

While the day was wrapping up Monday evening for many Texans on Mission Disaster Relief volunteers, the shower/laundry teams were getting things ready for another day of work

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Here's one day from Revive San Marcos

Revive San Marcos is a spring break missions, discipleship, ministry and service experience.

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Volunteers show how to make spring break life changing

Twenty teenage Texans on Mission volunteers and leaders are spending their spring break as part of Revive San Marcos – 17 from First Baptist Church in Gilmer. Add in disaster relief volunteers who are providing food for the teens and others in the community, and 36 total are involved.

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Builders, Challengers work for ministry to fatherless children

Texans on Mission Church Builders along with Challengers and others from First Baptist Church in Hempstead began Monday demolishing the interior of an former monastery in Corpus Christi. The building, now owned by Majesty Outdoors, is being converted into a mentoring center for children without fathers.

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Hay is rolling into the Panhandle

A Texans on Mission tractor-trailer delivers much-needed hay relief for Panhandle ranchers to the parking lot of First Southern Baptist Church of Fritch March 8. The load shown being unloaded is just one of the loads being brought in.

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Cookies make life a little sweeter in hurting land

Texans on Mission volunteers brought diesel, hay, cattle panels, food and lots of ash-out labor to Fritch this week. Today, they are bringing something small but heart felt – cookies.

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Volunteers provide security behind the scenes

During many Texans on Mission deployments, members of a little-known — because they usually operate at night — team ensures equipment and volunteers stay guarded while the larger team sleeps. Employing both personal patrols and electronic surveillance, the Asset Protection team is keeping watch over volunteers and assets in Fritch during the Panhandle fires response.

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CBS 11: North Texans helping homeowners impacted by Panhandle wildfires

Volunteers from North Texas are continuing to help clean up the ash and debris the Panhandle wildfires have left behind. At least two people have died and as many as 500 structures have been destroyed. Texans on Mission, commonly known as the Texas Baptist Men, respond to disasters around the world.

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