In a world of hurting people, every Christ follower is called to be on mission with God each day. 

In an hour, a day or few days, you can have a tangible impact by using your gifts and talents for God's purpose. Every person has a role in God's kingdom, and Texans on Mission wants to help you find it today. As a Texans on Mission volunteer, you can deliver help, hope and healing to people who desperately need it.

Serve after disasters

By volunteering for a day, you are directly delivering help, hope and healing to people after disasters. Whether you're clearing debris, cleaning out a house or praying with a homeowner, you will transform a life. Click here to learn more.


Provide First Step Kits for people in crisis

Every journey out of dark days starts with a first step. By putting together First Step Kits – hygiene kits for people in crisis – you can meet basic needs for people who don't know where to turn for help or hope. When Texans on Mission volunteers distribute First Step Kits, they provide a place for both. Click here to learn more.

Send Messages of Hope to people who have been through disasters

When a disaster strikes, people don't know where to turn for help. They don't know who to trust. When a Texans on Mission volunteer connects with them for the first time with a Message of Hope crafted by you, hope sprouts fresh. Find out how you can radically change a life with a simple piece of paper. Click here to learn more.



Create Gospel bracelets to help share the salvation message around the world.

In northern Uganda and beyond, Texans on Mission seeks to provide everyone with access to clean water and the gospel. You can make a Gold-to-Gold Gospel Bracelet to be worn to share the Gospel around the world. Perfect for your small group, Bible study or youth groups, each Gold-to-Gold Gospel Bracelet you create will share the redemption story of Jesus Christ with everyone who sees it. Click here to learn more.

Donate supplies for people to use after disasters.

When a disaster strikes, people have often lost everything, including items they'd typically have to begin cleaning up. You can jump start the recovery process for someone by providing these items through Texans on Mission Disaster Relief. Click here to learn more.

Read news and stories about Service Projects

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TXM works with local FCA to care for Mansfield teachers

The sun had not risen yet, but a dozen Texans on Mission volunteers busily made lunch for teachers at Legacy High School in Mansfield. It was part of a week-long effort by TXM and the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter to “show teachers appreciation and God loves them,” said Genia Macon.

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Board meeting highlights past, looks to future

Another successful board meeting in the books for Texans on Mission this weekend! Our board and staff discussed how much TXM volunteers, donors and staff accomplished together and what is to come in the future. 

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TXM hosts service day for Rockwell academy students

Students and parents — 425 of them — from Providence Academy Rockwall came together at Texans on Mission's Dallas headquarters to make First Step hygiene kits, evangelism bracelets and Messages of Hope for those in need.

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TXM doubles volunteer hours in 2024 to meet needs, share Christ

One year sometimes stands out among all the years that preceded it. Texans on Missions had such a year in 2024.

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TXM providing meals for those coming in from the cold

Texans on Mission volunteers are helping combat the cold with hot meals as they help feed 800 people at a temporary shelter at Fair Park in Dallas.

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Christmas in the Valley: ‘We want the community to know Jesus loves them’

Texans on Mission assembled a “dream team” of volunteers to bring Christmas — and its Christ-focused message — to the Rio Grande Valley Dec. 13-19. “This year’s annual Christmas in the Rio Grande Valley really featured a dream team of volunteers,” affirmed Sabrina Pinales, TXM’s director of missions and discipleship.

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