Drill deep to transform lives

Texans on Mission mobilizes Christ followers to change the world, tackling its biggest challenges, including the need for clean water. And we're doing so through local residents in communities where God has opened doors of opportunity.


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TXM partners with FBC Heath to distribute water

Texans on Mission jumped into action after a software glitch caused Heath, Texas, to send out a boil water notice. Volunteers handed residents 4,000 bottles of water.

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Texans on Mission helps McKinney church meet water needs in Cuba

A group from Crosspoint Church in McKinney recently traveled with Proclaim Cuba to minister in that Caribbean country. They took with them water filters provided by Texans on Mission.

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Another village, Alepu, now has clean water in Uganda

Akot Hellen Odong is a mother of eight. She and her husband, Odong Bir Jackson, are farmers who grow maize, soya and eggplant, mostly for home consumption. They are among beneficiaries of a well drilled this year by Texans and Ugandans on Mission in the village of Alepu. The well is now providing water for 420 residents.

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Small West Texas church leads financial giving to Texans on Mission

History can hang in the balance at unsuspecting times. A congregation of four or five gathered 20 years ago in Vincent, Texas, to vote on whether or not to disband as a church. One woman cited Scripture: “Where two or more are gathered, God is with us.”

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Texans on Mission team brings water, gospel to another Peruvian village

A Texans on Mission team brought water and the gospel to San Martin, Peru, a village on Rio Itaya in recent weeks. “Thank you so much, brothers, for this incredible and kind gesture towards our children, families and community,” said Alexander Tapullima.

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Keller First Baptist children hear about water, Gospel

Royal Ambassadors and others at First Baptist Church in Keller have supported Texans on Mission's Water Impact efforts in Peru, and last week Savion Lee and Mitch Chapman visited the North Texas congregation.

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Three-step effort empowers Uganda farmer

Ambrose stands in the middle of his dream. Thousands of cassava plants surround him in every direction, almost as far as the eye can see. ... read more

Water, microfinance, Gospel help Ugandan village life

Ojok Boso, his wife and child enjoy a new home made possible through a microfinance program in Uganda. ... read more

TBM & WMU of Texas working kingdom connections

TBM and WMU of Texas leaders (l-r): Rand Jenkins, John-Travis Smith, Mickey Lenamon, Tamiko Jones, Teri Ussery and Brandi Jones. ... read more
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