Drill deep to transform lives

Texans on Mission mobilizes Christ followers to change the world, tackling its biggest challenges, including the need for clean water. And we're doing so through local residents in communities where God has opened doors of opportunity.


Texans on Mission Water Impact is:

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SYSTEMATIC. Texans on Mission looks for places with the greatest water need and systematically brings solutions, including drilling water wells and repairing others. As a result, the ministry creates a wave of help, hope and healing that moves across a region.

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SUSTAINABLE. Community leaders are the backbone for Texans on Mission's work. Through them, we build a structure that catalyzes long-term change. As a result, the community supports its own water well, provides economic opportunities for residents and shares God’s love.

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GOSPEL-CENTERED. We begin with a village Bible study led by local leaders. They bring the community together and share the Gospel with the village. God is transforming lives through water wells now and relationships with Christ for eternity.

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Read news and stories about how Texans on Mission Water Impact is transforming communities

As epicenter of COVID crisis shifts to developing world, TBM provides crucial food through ministry partners

As the epicenter of the COVID crisis has shifted to developing nations, TBM is meeting extreme hunger needs through international ministry partners.


TBM is wiring funds to TBM Water partners in Kenya, Ghana, Venezuela and Peru where families are struggling in the midst of COVID-19 shortages, lockdowns and precautions. 


“In many of the places we serve, life before COVID-19 was difficult,” said DeeDee Wint, vice president of TBM Water. “The virus has made life that much more trying as people seek to protect their families from the disease while providing for them in increasingly difficult economies. Often, it’s the widows and children who suffer the most.”


Portions of Kenya have been hit by the virus as well as flooding, creating enormous needs.


“Things are becoming harder every single day. The schools, churches and businesses are closed. Also we have a challenge of flooding. The drilled water brought real transformation. We had great irrigation, but heavy rains caused a lot of floods, posing a real challenge. The floods affected all the farms, making life harder and frustrating. We are now facing double tragedy – no source of income, no food. It’s only by God’s grace that we are living. We are going through the darkest moments of our lives,” said Anne Samoei, director of Gethsemane Christian School in Eldoret, Kenya.


“Thanks so much for responding urgently to help us and for your compassion. May our good God bless you in a bigger way.


In Nairobi, Kenya, families under extreme economic stress are having to choose between feeding themselves and feeding their children. Street children are barely getting by. As a result, Mogra Children’s Rescue Center now has 500 children and staff in its compound. The ministry served just over 300 when TBM installed a well and water system last year.


TBM funds provided a way for all the young people to have something to eat delivered to the rescue center.


“The babies had no milk,” said Hannah Wairimu, founder of Mogra Children’s Rescue Center. “We are glad to say a big thank you for the support at Mogra. May God bless you abundantly.”


In Kendu Bay, Kenya, TBM funds provided food for widows who by tradition are not allowed to remarry. Most widows here are unskilled and caring for many children, making them vulnerable when times become more difficult.


“Thank you for your lovely support, and today many were so happy and thankful,” said Pastor Alfphonce Adoko. “Three widows cried as they shared that their children hadn’t eaten in two days.”


South America may be the current hotbed for COVID cases. With people living in crowded quarters and a lack of plumbing and clean water, the virus has enveloped parts of the continent.


Despite an early and strong shutdown in Peru, more than 180,000 people have contracted the virus. More than 5,000 people have died as a result. People are getting in line at banks at 2 a.m. to withdraw funds before banks close. Food is increasingly difficult to attain because families have no money. People are dying in the streets.


Iquitos, Peru, which is the largest city in the world that cannot be reached by road, has been hit particularly hard. A TBM-trained water well drilling team is using TBM-sent funds to provide food for desperate people there.


“All these people didn’t have anything to eat the day before, so guys your help was gold and precious to all the 40 families who received the donation,” said Kenny Ojanama Coquinche, a pastor and manager of Water Access in Peru. “Some of them cried and others were amazed. All gave thanks to the Lord and prayed with us, giving thanks and gratitude in this hard and dark time here in Iquitos.”


TBM Water ministry continues happening even as the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect the world. The wells the ministry has repaired or drilled continue providing clean water to drink in places that have never had it. Local groups continue hosting hygiene classes that are now even more valuable.


“What we love the most about this program is how people here in Texas can have a part in helping pastors around the world spread the gospel while helping feed people in need,” Wint said. “They notice that Christians care about them.”