A devasting mudslide in Uganda has killed more than 40 people and displaced 837 families who need shelter and food. Texans on Mission is responding through its Water Impact ministry. 

In the aftermath of a landslide, Texans on Mission is mobilizing its first ever all-African disaster relief team. People you have served and discipled through your Water Impact ministry are now stepping up to serve 837 families impacted by this disaster. They are:

  • Committed to feeding the families for up to 16 weeks while they work to find a permanent settlement.
  • Providing 3,307 lbs. of rice, 463 lbs. of sugar and 186 lbs. of cooking oil of oil every week.
  • Supplying food for up to 50 malnourished infants.
  • Seeking to drill a water well for an area with no consistent source of clean drinking water.
  • Starting regular Bible studies in this refugee camp.

We need your help your help.

This groundbreaking, life-saving effort will cost $25,668 for the food alone. The entire effort will cost about $75,000, including the water well.

The importance of knowing how your money will be used.

Recent headlines highlight the importance of how your money is spent and kind of impact you are having. When you give to Texans on Mission to support efforts that meet needs and share God's love, you can know it's being used effectively and efficiently to grow God's kingdom.

Will you consider making a significant gift to share the Gospel in Uganda?