Texans on Mission volunteers are helping combat the cold with hot meals as they help feed 800 people at a temporary shelter at Fair Park in Dallas. The TXM state feeding unit prepares lunch and dinner at the ministry's Catron Drive headquarters, trucks the food seven miles to Fair Park and helps deliver the meals to persons who do not otherwise have warm housing.

Austin Street Center, one of the city’s largest 24/7 emergency shelters, and OurCalling, the city's largest daytime outreach center, open a temporary shelter whenever temperatures drop. For the third year, TXM has partnered with these two amazing organizations by providing breakfast and supper.

The number of those receiving warm meals and a place to lay their head will only increase as the week continues and the temperatures drop. Please pray for every volunteer involved and for those seeking food, shelter and warmth at this time.

The Dallas deployment to feed the homeless already has been extended and a second shelter has been added. As of Tuesday afternoon, the meal count is up from 800 per meal to 1,400, continuing until Saturday breakfast and maybe longer.