Together, Texans on Mission goes where God calls. 

God calls His people to serve locally, across the nation and to the ends of the earth. Featured below are stories of how Texans on Mission volunteers answered God's call to deliver help, hope and healing to thousands of people all over the globe.  


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Three-step effort empowers Uganda farmer

Ambrose stands in the middle of his dream. Thousands of cassava plants surround him in every direction, almost as far as the eye can see. ... read more

Disaster Relief leaders gather for annual Summit

It's an amazing experience when TBM Disaster Relief leaders – our Blue Caps – gather for their annual Summit. That's what happened... read more

Second generation Camp Builders help bring light to God’s kingdom

If someone steps foot onto a TBM Camp Builders project, he or she will more than likely meet Walter and Twila Shue. Since the Shues’... read more

Disaster Relief cooks for Mansfield teachers, staff

Teachers have a profound impact on children and work hard to help them reach their God-given potential. In appreciation, TBM: Texans on... read more

TBM helping Ukraine through the winter

A Ukrainian woman carries firewood back to her home. TBM and a partner ministry in Romania are providing the firewood and other needed... read more

Volunteers arrive just as flood victim reaches her lowest

Saphina Khalfan wipes away tears as she talks about how TBM volunteers came to her aid. ... read more

Water, microfinance, Gospel help Ugandan village life

Ojok Boso, his wife and child enjoy a new home made possible through a microfinance program in Uganda. ... read more

TBM bringing water, help, hope to east Arkansas city without water

Leaders of Helena-West Helena, Ark., pose with TBM's Rand Jenkins (left) and Texas Pastor Michael Evans (right). Evans is standing next to... read more

God moves at weekend student discipleship experience

Mikey Osborne (center back) and the leadership team for the Disciple Now weekend at Camp Holy Wild ... read more

Rebuild helps Combine family recover from flood damage

Heavy rains over a short period caused flooding in Kaufman County east of Dallas last fall. Afterward, Texans on Mission learned that one... read more

20,865 meals served to Dallas homeless during freeze

TBM Disaster Relief has wrapped up its weeklong effort preparing meals for the homeless in Dallas during the region's bitterly cold... read more

Ugandan youth run to health, Gospel

Nancy (purple shirt) strides to the front of her village's TBM Youth Running Club. ... read more
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