Together, Texans on Mission goes where God calls. 

God calls His people to serve locally, across the nation and to the ends of the earth. Featured below are stories of how Texans on Mission volunteers answered God's call to deliver help, hope and healing to thousands of people all over the globe.  


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North Orange kids get taste of disaster relief

It's been a big week at North Orange Baptist Church, which has been involved in its Curiosity Camp. This VBS experience introduces kids to... read more

50-year-long ambition steers Forney couple to spend retirement purposefully

Nearly 50 years ago, Randy and Patsy Lloyd witnessed TBM Disaster Relief volunteers at work for the first time. The young newlyweds looked... read more

Church, with assist from TBM, comes to the aid of man who once served others

After a lifetime of serving others, an elderly couple living in Seagoville has had their well-worn home blessed by a nearby church, their... read more

Italy pastor pitches in when he can with disaster relief

Joseph Barrett took time away from his pastoral duties last week to lend a hand in the Ellis Christian Disaster Relief chainsaw team's... read more

Summer is time for RAs camps & making memories

Summer is time for Royal Ambassadors summer camps. Boys across the state are having fun and growing in their faith. ... read more

Ellis County chainsaw team begins work … close to home

Dan Sell (left), blue cap for the Ellis County chainsaw team, vists with Danny Wigley, a Corsicana homeowner whose property suffered sever... read more

Volunteers help North Texas family recover from devastating house fire

Mark Korenek sits in a chair in the middle of his burned-out Grand Prairie home looking a little overwhelmed. Soot-covered TBM volunteers... read more

TBM pulling out all the stops to meet needs

Childcare. Box. Shower. Laundry. Chainsaw. Assessors. Heavy machinery. Chaplains. Asset protection. Electronic support. Recovery. Incident... read more

When the power in East Texas went down, TBM volunteers stepped up

When 100 mph winds knocked out the power to about 150,000 East Texans and large trees were scattered across houses, people searched for... read more

TBM teams help Perryton families with new beginnings

Octavia Uribe stands inside her home, a newly added vinyl inscription over her shoulder: “Family, where life begins and love never... read more

KLTV Tyler: TBM helps clear damage after recent storm

KLTV, channel 7 in Tyler, reports on the TBM Harmony-Pittsburg chainsaw unit's work in Leesburg, which is about 55 miles north of Tyler in... read more

RAs leaders learn skills in wilderness experience

Thirty-eight adult and young men went into a Texas “wilderness” in June to learn leadership skills for use this summer and throughout... read more
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