One sunny day after returning home from a relaxing vacation, Larry Quinn begrudgingly headed out to his yard to tackle the knee-high grass that was quickly morphing into a suburban jungle. He started the engine on the lawn mower, made one-and-a-half passes, then “ker-plunk!” The equipment gave out.

Larry’s frustration quickly shifted to an epiphany. He sat down with his wife, Beverly, for a life-altering discussion. It was 2016. Both were recently retired and had begun contemplating how to spend the rest of their lives meaningfully.

“Look,” Larry said, pointing to a series of financial numbers — a love language for Beverly, who spent her entire career as a bank examiner. “I can buy a new lawn mower, and we can keep maintaining this home, or we can sell the house, live in the camper and do what we want.”

Beverly couldn’t deny it. The economics lined up, and the freedom sounded thrilling. They sold what they could part with, put the rest in storage and moved into their camper.

The following year, the couple hitched up the camper and embarked on their first trip with Texans on Missions Camp Builders.

“We had been looking for something we could do together,” Larry said. “We discovered Camp Builders, and it just fit us like a glove.”

Since Beverly’s job required frequent solo traveling, she longed to spend her retirement with her husband.

“We knew we didn’t want to just sit around in rocking chairs in our retirement,” she joked. “I was gone a lot through all of our married life to that point. We wanted to do something together but without too much togetherness. We also wanted to meet a group of people we could get along with. We saw Camp Builders as a perfect fit for all those things.”

Camp Builders provides a unique opportunity for couples to partner together in ministry while also using their individual gifts separately. As Larry contributes to the construction of cabins and various needs around the campgrounds, Beverly works alongside the ladies of Camp Builders to sew curtains or upholstery for the cabins or other items for partnering ministries.

In 2021, Larry assumed the role of coordinator for Camp Builders, while Beverly began to lead the sewing projects. 

Nine months out of the year, the Quinns journey to Christian campgrounds across Texas and beyond, alongside other individuals and couples passionate about serving camps. Through the volunteers’ contributions of their time and skills, camps save thousands of dollars on the cost of labor.

“There are basically two places where young people make life decisions when it pertains to God.” Larry said. “It’s either Vacation Bible School or camp. Camps operate on such tight budgets. We feel called to help them. They provide the materials, and we provide free labor. We’re actually helping stretch their budget.”

Each project also presents the opportunity to gain new friends, the Quinns said.

Every morning before work, the volunteers gather for a devotional and prayer time. Those who stay over the weekends find a local church to gather with on Sunday mornings, then commune together at the campground for Sunday and Wednesday evening services.

“We all know each other so well. We’ve been through ups and downs together,” Beverly said. “We pray for each other. Even though we are not a church physically, we are spiritually.”

Like many TXM volunteers, the Quinns have found the work and fellowship to be meaningful and fulfilling in countless ways. They encourage anyone who is entering retirement years to consider joining them for a project to see what it’s all about.

The motto for Camp Builders is, “Come when you can. Do what you can. Stay as long as you can.” No construction or sewing experience is required, Larry and Beverly emphasized.

“We welcome anybody that wants to put forth any kind of effort,” said Larry. “Just come out and try and see if it’s a fit for you.”

When the Quinns aren’t at a jobsite, they enjoy visiting their two daughters and grandchildren, sightseeing in their camper, preparing logistics for the next Camp Builders project and not having to mow a yard. 

Texans on Mission Builders ministries – including Church, Camp and Cabinet Builders – empower churches, camps and other ministries to accomplish their God-given visions of expanding the kingdom of God. Click here to learn more about opportunities to volunteer with Texans on Mission Builders.