Share your faith and meet human needs through TBM International Relief

TBM is uniquely experienced and equipped to respond to physical and spiritual needs around the world because of our decades of work closer to home. Why do we work internationally?

We are called. Jesus told his disciples: “... you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NIV). When we respond to international need, we carry out Jesus' calling to reach the ends of the earth in His name.

We are prepared. Our experience and expertise providing disaster relief in the United States translates well into helping others in many countries. We can help, so we should help.

We stepped up when …


Latest news about International Relief projects:

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TBM supporting response to Ukraine flooding

Devastation struck early Tuesday when the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine ruptured, sending water into streets and homes along the Dnieper River. ... read more

TBM responds to India train wreck through existing partnership

Texas Baptist Men has begun its response to the devastating train crash in India, which left more than 270 people dead, over 1,200 more... read more

TBM helps Ukrainian women deal with psychological needs

As the war in Ukraine drags on and slowly fades in the consciousness of many, those who once called the country home think about it daily,... read more

Texas pastors, spouses latest to receive disaster relief training in Israel

TBM is sending volunteers to Israel each month to develop capacity alongside the nation’s Emergency Volunteer Project in the event of... read more

TBM provides bicycles for pastors in South Sudan

Pastor Jacob Ngor Amaal of Nyamlel (left) and Pastor Deng Kong of Jaach in South Sudan receive bicycles provided by TBM. ... read more

Baptist Standard: TBM worker helps provide clean water after quake

The Baptist Standard reported March 1 on TBM’s efforts to bring clean water to victims of recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. ... read more
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