This is where Texans on Mission Disaster Relief training begins. It includes an introduction and overview of TXM Disaster Relief ministries, including the mission statement, history and brief overview of additional ministry opportunities within Texans on Mission.
This is a required orientation for all Disaster Relief volunteers and is required for renewal of credentials. This course is a pre-requisite for all other specialty training. Credentials received through this training are necessary for entry into disaster areas and are good for five years.
Sign up for the orientation and pick the specialty areas in which you'd like to serve. This will give the training and background check you need to begin delivering help, hope and healing after disasters through Texans on Mission.
Orientation or recertification is a two-step process. First, register for classes below. Second, complete a background check by clicking here.
If you have any questions before the event, please email Frances Randall at
Specialty Training Descriptions
Assessor Training
Target audience: Texans on Mission DR volunteers who have been on deployment in one of the work order request disciplines.
Class room training for those who have been through DR Orientation training AND served on deployment for Chainsaw, Flood and Fire Recovery, or Temporary Roof. This course provides instruction for surveying, recording and passing along information needed by one of the crews before they go to the work site. This training is free. Pre-registration online is required.
Asset Protection Training
Target audience: Texans on Mission DR volunteers interested in providing asset protection during TBM deployments.
Instruction in the safeguarding and prevention of the loss of Texans on Mission property during response operations, to prevent the tampering or contamination of all food and equipment, and to provide safety for active volunteers. There is no cost to the volunteer for this training. Pre-registration online is required.
Basic Chainsaw Training
Target audience: Texans on Mission DR volunteers wanting chainsaw training to work with the DR Chainsaw ministry.
Basic skills on how to safely operate chainsaws while helping survivors after a disaster. Basic tree felling and bucking techniques will also be reviewed/introduced. This is a full-day course with classroom training followed by hands-on training with a chainsaw. Students should come dressed for field operations — long pants, preferably long-sleeve work shirt, work shoes or boots (tennis shoes, or canvas type shoes, and sneakers are not permitted); no shorts or sandals. Chainsaws and safety equipment will be provided. All attendees will receive a manual. Pre-registration online is required.
Electronic Support Training
Target audience: Texans on Mission DR volunteers interested in recharging electronics/Wi-Fi/Cell/Radios.
An overview of the various aspects of the Electronic Support Unit, including wireless surveillance camera equipment, satellite internet, mobile radio equipment, recharging, other services, and setup. There is no cost to volunteer for this training. Pre-registration online is required.
Food Handling Training
Target audience: Yellow Cap volunteers who want to work with a Texans on Mission DR Feeding Unit.
Basic Food Handler Class provides instruction on safely handling, preparing and serving food per the national food code as well as the Texans on Mission methods. The class also gives an insight on what to expect on deployment from a feeding unit perspective. There is no cost to the volunteer for this training. Registration online is required.
International Relief Training
As Texans on Mission moves into a more active role internationally, come learn qualifications, standards, expectations, tips, cultural and ministry sensitivity, security and safety needs, why we go, what we do, living condition variability and more.
Shower/Laundry Training
Target audience: Texans on Mission DR Volunteers interested in the shower/laundry ministry.
This course provides a general overview of the purpose and function of the Shower/Laundry Ministry. It also covers the basic procedures, deployment process, and safety procedures while operating within the shower/laundry ministry including the setup and stand-down of these units. There is no fee for this training. Pre-registration online is required.
Unit Leader Training
Target Audience: New Unit Directors and Update Unit Directors.
For Texans on Mission DR volunteers that have been recommended to become a Unit Leader. This training is by invitation only. Interested volunteers should contact their Area Coordinator or Specialty Coordinator for a recommendation. These training events are also required for all current Unit Leaders. New and updated materials for blue caps will be covered. Pre-registration online is required.