This is where Texans on Mission Disasater Relief training begins. Orientation includes an introduction and overview of TXM Disaster Relief ministries — mission statement, history and brief overview of additional TXM ministry opportunities. This is a required orientation for all disaster relief volunteers and is required for renewal of credentials. This course is a prerequisite for all specialty training. Credentials received through this training are necessary for entry into disaster areas and are good for five years.

Snacks and drinks will be available.

TXM Disaster Relief orientation or recertification is a two-step process. First, register for the class below. Second, complete a background check by clicking here

If you have any questions before the event, please call TXM at (214) 275-1100.

Specialty Training Descriptions

Disaster Relief Orientation

Introduction and overview of the Texans on Mission Disaster Relief Ministries, including the mission statement, history and brief overview of additional ministry opportunities within Texans on Mission.

This is a required orientation for all Disaster Relief Volunteers and is required for renewal of credentials. This course is a pre-requisite for all other specialty training. Credentials received through this training are necessary for entry into disaster areas and are good for five years. There is a $30.00 fee for the required background check that is collected as part of the registration process. Training is also open to youth 16 and 17 years old and are not subject to a background check and are not issued credentials. Pre-registration online is required. When you register there is a two-step process, first the background check, then for class registration.