Deliver help, hope and healing in the name of Christ to those suffering after a disaster. 

Texans on Mission has responded to every natural disaster in Texas since 1967 and many beyond it, including the Southeast Asia tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Through a diverse array of ministries, Texans on Mission has provided the calm after the storm for millions.

Go on Mission

You can deliver help, hope and healing after a disaster by becoming a member of a Texans on Mission Disaster Relief team. Through Texans on Mission Disaster Relief teams, you can:

  • Provide practical help during tragedies by serving hot, nutritious meals and providing access to shower and laundry services.
  • Be part of a chainsaw team that moves debris and fallen and damaged trees.
  • Clean out and repair homes damaged by floods and fire.
  • Pray with and encourage survivors, offering hope for better days after the storm.

Volunteer Now


Be the calm in the storm

As a disaster relief volunteer, you can: 

  • Assess damage
  • Distribute boxes and packing supplies
  • Chainsaw fallen trees
  • Install temporary roofs
  • Manage large-scale relief efforts
  • Minister as a chaplain
  • Mud out damaged homes
  • Offer free shower and laundry services
  • Protect volunteers and equipment that is deployed
  • Provide child care
  • Serve warm, nutritious meals


Share your faith and meet human need through international relief with Texans on Mission


Texans on Mission is uniquely experienced and equipped to respond to physical and spiritual needs around the world because of our decades of work closer to home.


We stepped up when:

  • An earthquake rocked Turkey and Syria.
  • War came to Uikraine.
  • A train derailed in India. 
  • War came to Israel.

Texans on Mission experience and expertise providing disaster relief in the United States translates well into helping others in may countries. When we respond to international need, we carry out Jesus' calling to reach the ends of the earth in His name. 


Explore your calling to international relief



Read more about Texans on Mission Disaster Relief teams 

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FBC Waxahachie supports disaster relief from home

A huge thank you to First Baptist Church Waxahachie (New) Soldiers of God Generating Hope for assembling First Step Kits, hygiene kits for those suffering from disasters.

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Tornado cut short Wednesday service, tore off church wall

The sky grew dark with threatening clouds shortly before 6 p.m. May 22, but the eight people gathered for the midweek service at Dyess Grove Baptist Church southeast of Temple decided to go ahead as planned.“All of a sudden those warnings on our phones went off” at about 6:20, said Pastor Steve Goode. “We said let’s cut this short.” They fled the church building. Moments later, a tornado ripped off the wall that formed one side of the church worship space.

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Rolling Timbers team rolls through Temple with chainsaws

The Rolling Timbers (Weatherford) chainsaw team are among several Texans on Mission groups responding to tornado and wind damage in Temple. Some were highly trained and experienced, while others were on their first deployment and still learning advanced techniques.

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Texans on Mission volunteers come to aid of former volunteer

D.L and Virginia Baxley were among those who had to deal with the aftermath of damaged trees after a tornado-spawning storm in Temple. D.L. is a former Texans on Mission (then Texas Baptist Men) volunteer, and a new generation of volunteers came to his rescue.

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TXM volunteers help, even on holidays

After storms caused power outages and extensive property damage on May 25 in Pilot Point, north of Dallas, Texans on Mission volunteers are doing what they do best throughout the community. A TXM chainsaw team was out on Memorial Day cutting down tree limbs and clearing other debris from homes.

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Temple Daily Telegraph shows Texans on Mission in action

The Temple Daily Telegraph, on its website, showed Texans on Mission volunteer Blaine McCormick helping respond to Temple tornadoes. In the photo, McCormich operates a chainsaw under guidance from Dave Roby (right).

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